25 October 2006

The strength of the tree begins in the roots

I am feeling a litrtle sapped and rushed this morning, but a hot cup of coffee and time in my 'garden' will help calm me down a bit.
Yesterday was a blur it seems. Work, discovering my car was having some issues, and a quick car swap with my mom. Thank goodness for family. We got my car to the mechanic, and I am borrowing my mom's for the day. I am again, just grateful that everything worked out. We are hoping that my car isn't too bad but we'll see.

Ah, I am hearing some rain outside my window - lovely fall rain.

Numbers 24:5-6
5 How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel!

6As the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river's side, as the trees of lign aloes which the LORD hath planted, and as cedar trees beside the waters.


About Me

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

Things I Love - and not necessarily in this particular order ;)

  • Bubble Baths
  • California, where I was born
  • Chocolate :)
  • Color
  • Cooking & trying out new recipes
  • Decorating
  • Horsebackriding
  • Long conversations over good food
  • Music - all kinds
  • My Husband, of course! ;)
  • Photography
  • Reading
  • The Bible
  • The Northwest
  • The Ocean
  • The River Walk
  • Traveling
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