25 January 2007

I write these things before I forget

The week has yet to be over, but I am SO ready to be over with it. I am feeling ashamed to admit this as I feel a burst of sunlight on my back, on this lovely morning -oh-so-close to Friday.
Its been a long week of an unusual sort.

Sunday - began with worship, fellowship with brethren. Ran to the store to get something 'gourmet-ish' for lunch, ended up rushed due to a call from the realtor on a house he thought we'd like. We saw the house and, after about an hour of looking at every nook and cranny, decided that we would put our name down for it.

Monday - thoughts of doubt about the house, running late out the door to work. Calls back and forth from us to the realtor, the lender, the realtor again, the lender, etc. Haven's car needs work.

Tuesday - Got up earlier this time, left my ipod at the gym - realized it once I got home. Picked it up later. Dropped off money down on house at the realtor office. Felt a peace about the house, mentally arranged our furniture in it, tried to envision seating guests in the cozy living room, tried to ignore the vanilla colored cabinetry and grey countertops, pictured myself in the master bath garden tub, went to work, rushed home just in time to kiss hubby goodbye. Raced over to BSF, managed to leave my keys in the ignition (thankfully, car was turned off), called hubby to see if he could help me after the meeting, late for ushering, misplaced my BSF lesson - tried to contentedly listen to the other ladies share, got caught in the pouring rain waiting for hubby to resure me. I had told him the wrong street - meanwhile, a sweet lady offered me shelter in her lexus. H arrived - sensed frustration in his voice. Got back home. Realized I had left my cell in the car. Wondered if anything else would go wrong. Haven and I talked about the house, looked at the financing options. We didn't feel peace about it. We talked through how small it was. We talked about looking some more. We resolved to keep looking. Went to bed at peace.

Wednesday - Haven told our realtor what we were thinking. I got my hair hilighted and cut at a new salon that I have been eyeing for a couple of months. The appointment took 2 hours - I liked my hairstylist. Was running late for work again. Didn't really eat lunch. Got excited about the new listings our realtor sent us. Had a night to myself since it was men's meeting night. Grabbed some food and skinny cow icecream cones - got stuck in traffic - ripped open a box and savored a cone (this was a great 'calmer' in heavy traffic). Watched "When Harry Met Sally" over a smart one's pizza. Looked at houses online with H.

Thursday - Yes, today. Today the future looks bright - we'll be looking again this weekend at homes. We still have a finger on this deal, but God may be leading us out of it and into another one.

And I did say that I am ready for the week to be over. We are kinda tired, we are kinda worried about money, about timing, about the cars, etc.

But God is good, and He has given us another day to trust that He will lead us and provide. May He always be our Manna ~


joe said...

oh, mames, i am so glad that God is giving you rest and peace at the end of the day. You are so right, He is our true manna, and we NEED His sustaining grace. now, i had a look at that house and i can't believe how disgustingly inexpensive it is (and how big and beautiful) compared, of course, to CA. i know everything's relative, but if you start to get down-hearted, just give thanks to God He is having you house-shopping in TX and not where we are. though the house may be small and the counter tops gray, just remember that you're able to even buy a house. that's more than so many young couples are able to do, and that's the Lord. we are SO excited for you, and we will continue to pray that God will make His plan evident and that He will lead you to the right house for you. love you!

Anonymous said...

I second Jen's advice. I'm thrilled that you are looking at buying your own house, and look forward to hearing more updates. Trust God to lead you to the house He has for you, and to give you peace about the purchase.

About Me

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

Things I Love - and not necessarily in this particular order ;)

  • Bubble Baths
  • California, where I was born
  • Chocolate :)
  • Color
  • Cooking & trying out new recipes
  • Decorating
  • Horsebackriding
  • Long conversations over good food
  • Music - all kinds
  • My Husband, of course! ;)
  • Photography
  • Reading
  • The Bible
  • The Northwest
  • The Ocean
  • The River Walk
  • Traveling
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