26 February 2008


Its about that time when I would (once upon a time, in a dedicated and disciplined moment) rise, and go sweat bullets at the gym. Then, greater wisdom called me back to bed; bodies need sleep too.

So I sleep. I woke this morning on the early side to find my dog snuggled on the bed at my feet (?!) and the sound of the wind was hollow and exciting outside. . . I couldn't let the moment escape me. After picking up my windswept garbage outside and re-stacking the cans for trash pick-up, I made some tea and here I sit - at 4:30 am.

A magical thing happened last night, and I am not talking about the Spur's win over the Hawks ;)

While the night lay in a quiet slumber, a bold front of cold air pushed away the 90 degree heatwave we were having. The early morning sky is streaked in wispy trails of clouds, and the strong winds did some earth-scattering around my neighborhood. The air turned crisp, cool and inviting. I might go back to bed and snuggle for a little longer, but this was certainly worth waking up for. . .


Anonymous said...

Funny - at 4:30 this morning I was up closing all the windows in the house. We fell asleep in a warm, stuffy house, and I was a little miffed at Perry for closing the window in our own bedroom (why must we sweat while all the others can at least hope for an occasional breeze?). At 4:30 I was filled with pity for all those cold little feet and noses poking from under their covers.
We woke to 34 degrees here in the hill country.

About Me

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

Things I Love - and not necessarily in this particular order ;)

  • Bubble Baths
  • California, where I was born
  • Chocolate :)
  • Color
  • Cooking & trying out new recipes
  • Decorating
  • Horsebackriding
  • Long conversations over good food
  • Music - all kinds
  • My Husband, of course! ;)
  • Photography
  • Reading
  • The Bible
  • The Northwest
  • The Ocean
  • The River Walk
  • Traveling
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