20 December 2007

So Much More

For those who know me, I am not a 'happy go lucky', 'always sunshine' kind of girl. Rainbows come AFTER the rain, and great views come on the TOPS of high mountains.

I feel like I have been facing many giants this past month, well, months. The 'demon of inadequacy' perfectly describes it (to borrow the words from my sister). I have posted before about feeling inadequate. Its a depressing feeling. You never feel like you are enough, you never feel like you are doing enough, and you never feel like you will ever be enough. . .

Have you ever felt that way?

It trashes every area of your life if you let it get to you. Most of the time, it stays on the surface, like a beach ball in the pool, but every once and a while it becomes lead and sinks your heart. What happens to the joy that you should have? Well honey, it goes down with you like a Roman ruin.

How does this happen? It begins with wandering. Jesus gave us the straight and narrow, but sometimes, the wide and windy looks more exciting to us. So we veer. We listen to the evil one, whispering deadly nothings into our ears - wouldn't this or that be better? We listen. We stumble. We ate the apple. We are foolish.
We doubt what God has given to us, and more importantly who He has made us. How can I forget that I am a daughter of God? It doesn't just happen by coincidence. I must confess that I chose to deny my identity in Him when I began that veering in my heart.

And in the end, the evil one laughs at me. By believing him, I only feel the burn of inadequacy, and the sting of doubt and misery. I have wandered too far to a foreign place, unknown.

Take me home again. I just want to go home again.

The Father is truly merciful. How stupid we are, how foolish! Why do you wander child? Why do you wander away from the One who loves you, who holds your identity, who claims you as His own? Why?

All those failures you feel, those feelings of inadequacy, they are wiped clean. I call you Mine, and you are adequate. You are chosen by God, you are made in His image and none other.

Don't let this world get you down. Don't give in to the evil one's words. Everything you need is in Him, our God. When you feel like a failure and you just don't feel enough, remember who you are in Him. Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Glorify Him through loving your family, Enjoy Him through working in your job, and driving to work in sometimes gridlock traffic. Glorify Him even when you don't understand why He's brought you to a barren place and wants you to stay there for a while. Remember how faithful He always is. Enjoy Him through the changes, the hard times, the trials. He is your Purpose when you feel purposeless. He is your comfort when you are down.

And all those failures? Gone. Throw them out. And when they keep taunting you, keep throwing them out until you've licked them good. Show the world who you really are. Put on your armor and keep it on -
He has made you more than a conqueror in Him.
So much more.


Christina said...

Thank you, Amy. That is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today! We truly have to remember that we are made by God, for God, and He always loves us.

Anonymous said...

Preach it, Sister Amy! Amen!

Love you,

About Me

My photo
Seattle, Washington, United States

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

* Wedding Day * 10-08-05

Things I Love - and not necessarily in this particular order ;)

  • Bubble Baths
  • California, where I was born
  • Chocolate :)
  • Color
  • Cooking & trying out new recipes
  • Decorating
  • Horsebackriding
  • Long conversations over good food
  • Music - all kinds
  • My Husband, of course! ;)
  • Photography
  • Reading
  • The Bible
  • The Northwest
  • The Ocean
  • The River Walk
  • Traveling
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